Text from ERA-Net Smart Energy System
The European Joint Programming Platform ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems has set a goal that beyond the funding of transnational RDD projects, it will accelerate the development of transnational innovation ecosystems by initiating a Transnational Validation Network with existing and future Living Labs and Testbeds, allowing innovative companies / developers to test and validate their technological or service solutions in real-life settings.
In the context of JPP ERA-Net SES, Living Labs are considered as user-centred and open innovation ecosystems often operating in a territorial context (e.g. city, region), integrating concurrent research and innovation processes (co-creation), potentially relying on a public-private-people partnership. Living Labs are expected to support the energy system developers with validation capabilities related to customer/user value of a new service and/or business model design, among others. Furthermore, Testbeds are understood as technological testing, piloting and demo-infrastructures which are connected to a real-life energy system. Testbeds are expected to support the energy system developers with validation capabilities related to technical feasibility and/or interoperability of new technological innovations, among others.
The partners of the Validation Network and their offerings are promoted through the communication channels of the JPP ERA-Net SES. The Living Labs and Testbeds may seek to be partners in the project consortia that will apply for financing from the programme or offer services to the projects. Find more information about how to get involved here.