Smart Energy Åland part of ERA-Net’s Living Labs / Testbeds

Text from ERA-Net Smart Energy System The European Joint Programming Platform ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems has set a goal that beyond the funding of transnational RDD projects, it will accelerate the development of transnational innovation ecosystems by initiating a Transnational Validation Network with existing and future Living Labs and Testbeds, allowing innovative companies / developers […]

Workshop: An archipelago in transition – See you there!

On the 7th of October, The National Association of Finnish Islands, the Archipelago Sea Unesco Biosphere Reserve and the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat will host a combined online and physical workshop in Pargas, Finland. In addition to exchange and learning on technical and financial aspects of the clean energy transition, the workshop will […]

Rethinking Energy System Design – Flexens open for business

Kicking off into the new green decade of 2020, the Finnish project development and innovation company Flexens now offers its highly sophisticated Energy System Design Service to the energy sector. With one foot in rigorous academic research, and the other in a real-life demonstration as proof of concept, Flexens services stands out from other energy […]

Successful first year and start of a new Energy Decade

To summarise Flexens first year as start-up: It has been nothing less than a success! Winning the Growth Engine Competition at Business Finland, initiating several pilots within our demo platform Smart Energy Åland and adding to that our team expanded. And we are still going strong. As we head into a defining decade for mankind, […]

Clean and Renewable Energy in the European Green Deal

On the 11th of December the European Commission’s president, Ursula von der Leyen, announced the EU adoption of a Green Deal. This means that the member countries will collectively strive to create the first climate-neutral continent. In her speech to the press, president von der Leyen highlighted that the time for renewable energy sources (RES) […]

Fourdeg AI system heats school – part of Smart Energy Åland

As a part of Flexen’s Smart Energy Åland project, a high-tech temperature control system is to be installed in Vikingaåsen elementary school in the municipality Jomala, located on the Åland Islands. – Using artificial intelligence (AI) the heating can be predicted and optimized for each individual room, says Mr. Markku Makkonen, CEO of the Finnish […]

Hydro power as underground batteries

In late June, Flexens CEO Berndt Schalin, was invited to participate in a panel discussion at the Politician’s Week at Almedalen, Sweden, regarding local storing solutions of renewable energy. The panel discussion host, Pumped Hydro Storage, is a new and promising tech company in Sweden, specializing in hydroelectric pumped-hydro storage. Using old mine shafts, Pumped […]

Flexens Winner in Growth Engine Competition

Carbon compensation, smart port and marine services, artificial intelligence and new solutions for a societal scale model of renewable energy production, were declared the winners in Business Finland’s growth engine competition. The competition was won by the companies Compensate, Awake.AI, Silo.AI and Flexens. The winning projects are estimated to generate nearly EUR 6 billion in new […]

Flexens enters the next phase

The company board welcomes Mr. Timo Rajala, as chair of the board of Flexens Oy Ab. Mr. Rajala is highly experienced within the energy industry and its evolving business models. With a background as CEO for Pohjolan Voima Oy (PVO) and several board positions in both large and innovative small companies in the sector, he brings a […]

Flexens presenting at Energy for Smart Mobility Conference in Marseille

Flexens CEO Berndt Schalin gave a presentation in the mid of March, at the International Energy for Smart Mobility in Marseille, France. – Flexens is gaining international attention, with a lot of focus given to the Finnish innovations and technologies within renewable energy, says Berndt Schalin, CEO On Thursday, March 14th, Flexen’s CEO Berndt Schalin […]